The 5 Ps of business
So recently saw this article online and I thought it was very useful as a contemporary snapshot of the core business priorities we should all be focused on in these say the least difficult times.
The 5 P’s
PASSION - Now I would assume these are not in a specific order but in my mind if you don’t start a business you are passionate about then are off to a bad start anyway and the rest will all fail slowly.
PURPOSE - if you as a business owner do not know what your purpose is , your vision , your overall goals in life and can not impart that downstream to your team and resources you will face issues.
PRINCIPLES - Again as above you need to have these first and clearly define them, as your team and business grows you need to pass them on and ensure your organisation has a clear set of operating principles.
PEOPLE - having the right people is key don’t be in a rush to hire find the right people who have both the right skills and share the same passion you do. Be focused on not just what they can do for you now but what can they offer in the mid-long terms as your business grows.
POTENTIAL - Just how can your business/ your idea grow, how much of an impact can in have, it should be profitable, is just the beginning can it have a positive change on the environment , can it benefit the community.
Credit : original article @LidiaGrass0 @Twitter